Connect to Employment

Outreach to Employers 

Access staff serves as advocates for job seekers and employers to ensure that appropriate job matches are made.  Staff contact employers on behalf of job seekers based on their interests, skills, and preferred work settings. Once job openings are identified, staff help job seekers understand the position description and requirements, application procedures, and interview process, and advocate on their behalf with hiring managers.   


Internships help individuals who are new to the workforce or returning after a period of time.  The experience provides the opportunity to practice skills obtained in the classroom, build work experience, learn employer expectations, and receive support and mentoring from supervisors.  Internships often pave the way for a permanent job.    

Youth enrolled in the Career Center Services, may be eligible to participate in a six-week, 120-hour paid internship, apprenticeships, on-the-job training, and receive additional services.

Job Fairs

Access routinely hosts opportunities for employers and applicants to connect.  In many cases, employers with immediate job openings accept applications and interview candidates during the event.   Employers interested in joining the Job Fair are welcome.  For details and dates please reach out to us using the form below, and we will get back to you as soon as we can.

Employer and Client Connections

To learn how Access can make employment connections, please complete the form below and we will reach out to you as soon as we can.

Contact Form Demo